Friday, December 30, 2005

5 Things people don't know about Moi!!

Sorry I keep getting bored and I keep seeing interesting things on Nura's blog, that would open a new world to everyone if I just say..( don't be offended only imitate that which they admire) 5 Things YOU DONT KNOW ABOUT ME

Primo: My babysiter was the sister of the famous hockey player Raymond Bourque ( He played for the boston bruins) I met him on several occasions and when he won the stanley cup, he came to my high school to dedicate it to one of Emile Legault's ( my high schools name) finest PE instructors Msieur Ben..

Secundo: I have a weird obsession with cleaning my ears..dirty ears is a total turn off for me.

Tertio: If I don't talk to you the first time I meet you its either because, I haven't decided that you are worth talking to, or because you are still going throught my screening process ( YES I have a screening process, within which I determin if a person is worth talking to after I have heard them talk for a substancial amount of time..)

4th ( I don't know how to count beyond 3 in latin sorry): When I was 18 months old, I used to be completly and utterly petrified of chicks. ( My gandma owned a farm with hens, and chicks etc..and when I would see one, I would invariably cry or run as fast as an 18 month old could)

and finaly 5th: Until the age of about 17, I truly and sincerly thought that I was going to become a famous singer.

scoff its your turn Haytham


Blogger Nura said...

An obsession with ear cleaning? Now that I would never have guessed! :o) Otherwise, I know exactly how to harass you when you tease me.. I will infest you room with baby chickens! MWAHAHAHAH! :o) Thanks for sharing honey.

Sunday, January 01, 2006  
Blogger AGRADA said...

Hey Jamilla !!
Happy New Year

Just wanted to suggest you to change the title of your blogsite.

Why don't u rename it..ex:
-Jams online

Really liked the new look and contents of your site..


Thursday, January 05, 2006  

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