Monday, October 17, 2005

This morning

I am awake this morning and I have only Allah to thank for that, and so as I usually do within the first seconds of my waking, I bat my eyes twice, and whisper to myself: "La Illah Illa La" There is no God but he. For had I not reaffirmed my own beliefs to myself, I would forget, and had I died this very morning, I would have died without saying those important words to myself. This morning is beautiful, one among many, and I am glad to have had the opportunity to have them. As I woke, my mother called in the hallway "Jamillaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa its time to eat, quick, come upstairs!!!!" This year Ramadan has blessed me with yet other moments to count as memories of my usual my brothers come and we eat well before we vow to take a fast for Allah, it is truly beautiful and unique the atmosphere I feel this year. Somehow along with the chaos of noise, laughter, tears, there is a resonance of peace that has engulfed my house. Praise be to Al-Karim...

I am a little nervous about he exam that is about to take place today, so I read more than the required chapter of the Qu'ran per day. I read and was filled with this sense of comprehension, I feel warmth and peace as I am about to embark in my second session of midterms at what students lovingly call "Gaza U."

So, as I am preparing my stuff for school, and sifting through my laptop notes of class, I wanted to share my overwhelming sense of gratitude. No matter the result of this exam, I am ok with that, for I did positively study like an insane person, and now, I have to but see the result of what I call my "ultimate cramming session". Its not really cramming, because I've been prepping this exam for the past two weeks, but the last three days, I've stayed in the study dungeon of my bedroom.

Therefore, someone plz wish me luck as I am about to embark on a sordid adventure one might like to call "The Education system"

take care younglings


Blogger AGRADA said...

Good luck jamilla, and have a blissed nights.

Tuesday, October 25, 2005  

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