Tuesday, October 18, 2005

the survey everyone is doing.....

I saw this on Nura's blog, and I am a little tired of studying so I thought I'd write something that didn't require any brain power at all.........

1.LAST MOVIE YOU SAW IN A THEATER:Here on Earth, with my sister..I wanted to see 4 brothers..but she wanted cheezyness… and hell she got it..

2. WHAT BOOK ARE YOU READING?Right now Im reading a series of annoying Manuals for class…but The Qur’an is outside of my curriculum and..mmm what else Multiculturalism: Fact or Myth

3. FAVORITE BOARD GAME?Does Mad Gab Count? Even though there are any boards?

4. FAVORITE MAGAZINE?Cosmo… don’t ask why, I just do

5. FAVORITE SMELL?My lilac tree in the backyard of my house…it reminds me of my childhood.

6.FAVORITE FOOD?Mama’s cooking

7. FAVORITE SOUND?A Baby’s laughter


9. WHAT IS THE FIRST THING YOU THINK OF WHEN YOU WAKE UP?La Illaha Illa La… THEN mmmm AM I LATE AGAIN tabarnak… Trafic is gonna be nuts

10. FAVORITE FAST FOOD PLACE?Tsi Chu ( Chinese Halal place I love)

11. FUTURE CHILD'S NAME:Dawud and Jannah

12. FINISH THIS STATEMENT. IF I HAD A LOT OF MONEY:I’d buy myself some time..lol no..probably do the smart thing and help my parents with their financial duties…what else..then put it in a bank

13. DO YOU DRIVE FAST?Define Fast….

14. DO YOU SLEEP WITH A STUFFED ANIMAL?Yeah lol I know Im 20 but its really more for sentimental value… I can sleep without it..

15. STORMS-COOL OR SCARY?Beautifuly Scary..lol nahh I love em

16. WHAT WAS YOUR FIRST CAR?still waiting for it….but I hope my first one is a shelby 78

17. FAVORITE DRINK?Coffee…and the special kenyan brew that they sell at Second Cup across the street from Gaza U….the lebanese guy always gives me a discount ( wink wink)

18. FINISH THIS STATEMENT, "IF I HAD THE TIME I WOULD...":sleep..and learn how to cook better looooooool

19. DO YOU EAT THE STEMS ON BROCCOLI?That would imply that I eat brocoli volontarily…which I don’t but if my ma puts it on my place knowing that Im gonna give her that face..she’ll say “Jammy its good for you” And I’ll eat EVERYTHING in one shot… I don’t have time to dissect food I don’t enjoy..LOL

20. IF YOU COULD DYE YOUR HAIR ANY COLOR, WHAT WOULD BE YOUR CHOICE?mmm I would die it back to its original color..whatever color it is lol I think its number 10293 # with highlight 204830# and maybe number 20938-029 on the base what do you think? LOL I’ve never died my hair in my entire life…I was just yanking ur chain..I don’t plan to either

21. NAME ALL THE DIFFERENT CITIES/TOWNS YOU HAVE LIVED IN:Nairobi, Mombasa, Toronto,Montreal… and I went away to Ste Adolphe for 2 months for the past 2 years…so maybe that counts too


23. FAVORITE SPORTS TO WATCH:Soccer, Basketball,Rugby,Track and field ( KENYAN SPORT) Tennis and hockey..( only when the habs play)

24. ONE NICE THING ABOUT THE PERSON WHO SENT THIS!it wasn’t sent to me lol I just took it off Nura’s blog, but one nice thing to say about her hummmmm…… she’s the nicest Cow ever


26. OVER EASY, OR SUNNY SIDE UP?don’t eat eggs that way


28. FAVORITE PIEApple pie a la mode mmm the crumble stuff is good too


Blogger Nura said...

Cosmo??????????? That is a shocker! So you aren't as innocent as you look my dearest little Jammy! :o) And baby's laughter for favorite sound.. definately with you on that one.. its gorgeous isn't it? Very heartwarmng. Where is this chinese halal place and why haven't I been introduced??? No comments about you sleeping with the stuffed animal.. AHEM.. and finally, i am THRILLED that I am the "nicest cow ever". Feeling the love entirely! MWAH!

Tuesday, October 18, 2005  
Blogger Jamz said...

lol I like it for whatever reason.... Cosmo..
AYe the stuffed animal...it was a gift from a friend..I do it only cuz i remember him when I do...lol so shush:P
btw you should feel the love entirely..cuz its there dearest, and it always will be:)

Tuesday, October 18, 2005  

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