Tuesday, January 24, 2006

.:birthdays are ??:.

I just turned 21 this past weekend thinking to myself what have I done, in the last year to be graced with such a beautiful gift as time. Well, I graduated from Cegep, got my heart broken, and what else? Learned that were I to live alone I would a complete and utter neat freak. I've enjoyed most of my time as a 20 year old, but the obstacles of my road this year took something from me. I am ususally very cautious when it comes to telling people my business ( yeah lol the blog is somewhat diffrent) and cautious about even making friendships. I don't know why, but that has been my thing. Its almost as if I think someone is out to get me. And in some ways, that has been drilled into my head from birth by my parents. Obvisouly they never told me that everyone is out to get me, but keeping ones eye one their company was certainly important, and not reveiling too much about myself because it might be used against me. Which has been done, over the course of my 21 years, but only 2 which is a wholesome average for being wrong about whom I choose to befriend and confide in.

Where was I going with my over cautiousness? Yeah well during this year, it was a time of reflection, a time of introspection, and letting go of my inhibitions. I did things I never thought I'd be able to do, for example be in a social arena, within which 99.9% of the people at the gathering weren't aquaintences of mine and I managed to get out of it, make it profitable in my clientele and I was genuanly at ease. I also learned that I've develloped a talent in which I can tell who wants to bother talking to me and who doesn't right from the get go. Another accomplishment would be, that I've learned to smile more often than I ever have before. It wasn't something I did free of cause, but on a general scale now that I have to work in an enviroment where I have to encourage clients to buy from us rather than from our competitor, a smile goes a long way, and it merits alot on a scale of if the sale goes well.

Jamz who finaly turned LEGAL EVERYWHERE IN THE WORLD


Blogger AGRADA said...

Salut Jamz

Bon anniversaire!!

Sorry for being late for greeting..Rock on.

Sunday, February 12, 2006  

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