Friday, September 15, 2006

Keeping Dawson in My Prayers

In light of this Wednesday's tragedy at Dawson College, my own home away from home, I would like to make a prayer for the girl who passed away, Anastasia DaSousa, altogether I did not know you, and the only things we would probably have in common were that we both went to Dawson. But my heart goes out to you, and to your family who must not have expected to have lost you at the mere age of 18, and probably in such a violent manner. But hopefully you did not die in vain. Somehow we are more aware of angry individuals in our fair city, and are looking for solutions to amend your death. This Wednesday will be pink day, in your honor I will wear a lot of pink and raise money for a charity your parents set up in honor of your cruel fate.

I don't quite understand what is going on with the world nowadays. What is it about our society that has made people go insane? Because, he's obviously not the first and unfortunately he won't be the last ( the crazed killer at Dawson) but what makes them...These people? And what makes them get to a point of dislike and disregard for life? What is it that we have done to contribute to the upbringing of such a person and that there were no warning signs according to the close ones of this particular individual. I am in utter shock, I love Montreal with a passion and always thought of it as such a safe place. And I still do despite this incident.....I just wish I could understand for all those parents who are in the hospitals waiting for the doctor to say...That they will make it. I just want to understand for Miss DaSousa, ...I just want to understand...

I think everyone just wants to put their heart to rest...And undertaking the situation is the best we can do to pace ourselves.

Keep Dawson Victims in your prayers...
ps. Saddened and heavy hearted child of Dawson


Blogger AGRADA said...

Happy new year, etc.

Monday, January 01, 2007  
Blogger الوافي said...

sorry for Anastasia DaSousa, and my prays may my god forgive all faults she might done and her soul rest in heaven.

Friday, March 23, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There was, of course, at the time not a word about undivided attention.. No, my dear, no; can't allow it.. I will not pursue the further result of the thought.. But my fatal eyes, behind the glasses, followed and entered with him, and saw that the chamber was a chapel.. The Colonel nodded naturally and approvingly.. If we happened to be interrupted, no one guessed that he was Frederic Ingham as well as I; and, in the neighborhood, there grew up an impression that the minister's Irishman worked day-times in the factory village at New Coventry.. A half-mile of it was as much as he could stand, and he weakened under the strain. The answer of the girl was: I wish he would strike me! Her wish to be married is so strong that she takes into the bargain the discomfort which is said to be connected with matrimony, and which is predicted for her, and even raises it to a wish.. This conception of repression once fixed, together with the distortion of the dream in relation to repressed psychical matter, we are in a position to give a general exposition of the principal results which the analysis of dreams supplies.. I wish, said Caroline, I was not so prone to be taken with ridiculous recollections.. How much? The auctioneer looked around; there were no bidders.. An initial rejection, perhaps consciously brought about by the judgment on the ground of incorrectness or unfitness for the actual purpose of the mental act, may therefore account for the fact that a mental process continues until the onset of sleep unnoticed by consciousness.. The dream process, therefore, takes the regressive course, which has just been opened by the peculiarity of the sleeping state, and thereby follows the attraction exerted on it by the memory groups, which themselves exist in part only as visual energy not yet translated into terms of the later systems.. Morland, not depending altogether upon the celebrity of her late husband, and wishing that her children should see specimens of the best society in the northern cities, had left home with numerous letters of introduction.. Vardeman could find no objection to enrolling him upon her list of boarders.. This road was overgrown on each side with grass and brushwood, which became thicker and thicker as it reached the height of the mountain, where it spread out into quite a forest.. So he asked for a copy of The American Magazine at a newsstand in the hotel corridor, opened it, and showed the manager a full-page picture of himself clad in a costume suggestive of the time of Christopher Columbus, with high ruffs around his neck, that happened to appear in the magazine the current month.. Buller began to feel that, perhaps, for all these years he had been laboring under a misconception.. The second phase of the dream-work, viz.. Republished in The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County, and Other Sketches (1867), by Mark Twain, all of whose works are published by Harper & Brothers...

Friday, August 31, 2007  
Blogger Hiba said...

sorry for them ..

Thursday, December 13, 2007  

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