Monday, April 24, 2006

Time passes by too fast

Its nearly the end of the month and when did that occur? If I were to sum up what I have done in the past weeks, I swear to you I wouldn't have the faintest clue, the only thing I know is that I went to work, and went to school the rest of my time kind of elapsed without my knowledge. Studying in my little dungeon has not been on help, I remember waking up last week and not remembering what day of the week it was.... isn’t that insane? Work/school/study is all I really have time for nowadays, and I kind of miss my social butterfly abilities. It is kind of dangerous to leave yourself into that kind of frame...because who knows...when you have time...who says your friends will have time for you? But I don't regret the way I've been passing these weeks for the simple fact that it has paid off. I mean the only people I am constantly surrounded with are my family. It’s nice to come home, have your mother cook a great meal for you...because sometimes I forget what a blessing that is. Plus the excessive studying has done me good with my finals, I have reached to the point where, when I go to exams I am completely confident in my abilities because I've been working like a dog for the past semester to keep my grades at this level. But when I woke up this morning and actually took the time to have breakfast, as well as reading the newspaper (something that I believe has actually become a time that is) and I looked at the top of the gazette...feigning absolute disbelief is it really April 25th? Goodness, time has not stopped for me while closed the door on my study dungeon...nope the world still goes round people, still drink gallons of lattes at the local Starbucks, movies are still coming out..whether or not I can see them, people dying around the world...even the Canadians did something without my knowledge ( i don't mean the people of my fair country, i am speaking of the local hockey team...GO HABS GO).
Luckily, I've still snagged some interesting seats for the upcoming game this Wednesday, but I had to call in a special favor. I believe it will be the first time in weeks perhaps months that I have done something for the pure enjoyment of it...except for perhaps indulging in my addiction for shoes!!! (Unfortunately I've only taken one pair out for the world to see...but summer is coming up, all hope is not lost...they will see the light of day I promise!!!)

do take care luvs


Blogger AGRADA said...

This means that..we will die soon !?

We must do something for our next life i.e ( Invest out )..etc.

Once the final hour arrives, we should be happy.

Wednesday, April 26, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

cool blog
please take a look at mine and link it up here,

Thursday, April 27, 2006  

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