Friday, September 15, 2006

Keeping Dawson in My Prayers

In light of this Wednesday's tragedy at Dawson College, my own home away from home, I would like to make a prayer for the girl who passed away, Anastasia DaSousa, altogether I did not know you, and the only things we would probably have in common were that we both went to Dawson. But my heart goes out to you, and to your family who must not have expected to have lost you at the mere age of 18, and probably in such a violent manner. But hopefully you did not die in vain. Somehow we are more aware of angry individuals in our fair city, and are looking for solutions to amend your death. This Wednesday will be pink day, in your honor I will wear a lot of pink and raise money for a charity your parents set up in honor of your cruel fate.

I don't quite understand what is going on with the world nowadays. What is it about our society that has made people go insane? Because, he's obviously not the first and unfortunately he won't be the last ( the crazed killer at Dawson) but what makes them...These people? And what makes them get to a point of dislike and disregard for life? What is it that we have done to contribute to the upbringing of such a person and that there were no warning signs according to the close ones of this particular individual. I am in utter shock, I love Montreal with a passion and always thought of it as such a safe place. And I still do despite this incident.....I just wish I could understand for all those parents who are in the hospitals waiting for the doctor to say...That they will make it. I just want to understand for Miss DaSousa, ...I just want to understand...

I think everyone just wants to put their heart to rest...And undertaking the situation is the best we can do to pace ourselves.

Keep Dawson Victims in your prayers...
ps. Saddened and heavy hearted child of Dawson